Learn To Heal Your Child

From Heavy Metal Toxicity

Leave your FEAR behind and help your child



(Your future dream goes HERE)

'cause dreams really can come true!

If you're the parent of a child who's been labeled...

(ADHD, Autism, OCD, ODD, Developmental Delays, heck, anything)

...then you already know there has to be a better way to help them. 

You know your child's struggles aren't just bad genes. You know if their body was healthier their brain would be too.

 This Course Will Give You The

Confidence To Know…


It's Safe!

  • The Half-Life detox protocol was developed on scientific data and perfected by over 20 years of parent experience.

  • Every step is focused on safety. We used this method with our own children.

  • We didn't use any dangerous, untested fads to heal our kids and neither should you.

It Works!

  • We follow a "treat what you see method" that is kid centered (not lab test centered).

  • Results are visible as your child improves in areas of Speech, Sensory issues, Sleep, Social engagement, Growth and Development.

  • Even your child's teachers, therapists, and daycare providers can see the difference.

It Saves Time!

  • Every lesson contains short, actionable videos of 5-10 minutes each.

  • Sleep deprived Moms and Dads can pop on a video while making dinner or during bath time.
  • Tasks are broken down into 20 minutes or less.  

  • Cheat Sheets, Checklists, Sample Supplements Lists, and Sample Schedules are provided. 


You Just Hit the Easy Button!

I was overwhelmed with information and needed a solid framework and action plan to follow.

The experience was fabulous. The background details of foundation, general health and need basis supplements were a tremendous help. 

Absolutely! Highly recommended for those who are struggling and looking for support to start.


Enroll in Detoxing Kids Course Today!

 One Time Payment Only


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"My son was having lots of mood swings. He struggled to communicate. Now after 11 rounds of detox plus adrenal support his mood is greatly improved and language is coming along nicely. This course helped me identify why my child might be having certain symptoms or behaviors, and how to treat them. "

- Nicole

"Now we are more knowledgeable about ALA, but before we were scared of doing it. The Detoxing Kids course was really helpful for my family.  If you are on the fence, I would highly recommend doing it."

- Carine

"I just have to share that my 5 y/o son is thriving on this protocol. In just 28 rounds, he has gone from disconnected words and a few brief scripted sentences, to spontaneous functional language. Right now, he's watching a movie, laughing and making comments about every scene. Words can't start to describe our gratitude."

- Michelle

When you enroll,

you’ll get:


  • Core Modules 1-4

    You get access to all four core modules. Each Module contains 4-6 actionable lessons. As you complete a module the next one opens so you can work through the program on your time. 

  • Checklists, Worksheets, Printable Resource pages

    We simplify the process of learning everything you need to know and understand to heal your child.
  • Quizzes with Every Module

    We've also included short quizzes to highlight the most important takeaways from each lesson.
  • Request Your Certificate of Completion in Half-Life Protocol

    Upon finishing all the quizzes you will get a certificate showing you have successfully completed the Detoxing Kids Course. WooHoo!!

...And You Get These

Amazing VIP Bonuses   

VIP Bonus 1

Access to Coaching Replays

You will get immediate access to over 25 hours of recorded coaching calls.  This bonus is like having on demand coaching ready to answer your questions anytime day or night. 

VIP Bonus 2

Personal Supplement Review 

We don't want anyone in this course to feel stuck at any point.  Not only do you get access to general supplement recs, sample supplement schedules, and quality brand recommendations, you will also have access to personalized supplement review via email.  

What’s Inside Detoxing Kids 


Module 1

Determining Toxicity

In this module you will learn how to figure out if your child is toxic. You will know where to look for the sources of toxic metals that may be hiding in your home and 

Module 1 Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: You will understand just what the signs of heavy metal toxicity look like.
  • Lesson 2: Find out where metals come from in our environment and how to minimize current exposure and risk.
  • Lesson 3: Learn all about how they act in the body and what questions to ask to assess past exposure and likelihood of your child's toxicity.
  • Lesson 4: Find out the best way to test for toxicity and why some tests don't work and others could damage your child.
  • Lesson 5: Most importantly learn what not to do in order to avoid endangering your child's wellbeing.
Module 2

First Steps: Preparing for Safe Detox

Here we walk you through the key things you need to do to prepare your child's body for detox. 

Module 2 Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Find out which supplements are absolutely essential during detox and how they function.
  • Lesson 2: Learn about how dental issues affect the process and which treatments could interfere with safety.
  • Lesson 3: Learn all about healthy stress management and how to support the body properly throughout detoxing. 
  • Lesson 4: Find out how to prepare the gut and what to do to maintain a healthy microbial balance throughout the entire process.  
  • Lesson 5: Learn which additional supplements to use for a well-rounded level of support which ensures the best nutritional balance for a toxic child.
Module 3

Detox 101: Half-Life Protocol

In this module we walk you through step-by-step exactly what you need to do to detox a child safely and effectively.

Module 3 Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Covers which chelator to choose and why choosing just one or using a combination from the beginning might be better for your child.
  • Lesson 2: Teaches you the unbreakable rules to safe detox as well as when it's ok to make personal adjustments to fit your lifestyle. 
  • Lesson 3: Learn the tips and tricks to dividing the doses and getting a child to swallow them every time without struggle.
  • Lesson 4: Find out the signs and symptoms of detox and how to adjust the support supplements to make the process flow smoothly.
  • Lesson 5: Learn about dose adjustments like when and why you might increase the dose you are giving. Also how to recognize the dump phase and what to do to ensure a nice transition back to active detox.
Module 4

Next Steps: Biomed DIY

In this module we will teach you some of the most helpful things you can do to increase your child's quality of life.  These approaches to health and healing can be done right along side detox to get you to the finish line faster.

Module 4 Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Learn the difference between a healthy diet and a therapeutic diet and how to choose the best foods for your child.
  • Lesson 2: Learn about gut /brain balance and dealing with bacteria, parasites, constipation and leaky gut.
  • Lesson 3 parts 1 & 2: All about additional supplements that can make huge impacts on things like language, energy, anxiety, focus and concentration, coordination and so much more. 

You Also Get Access to These "Stand Alone" Content Bonuses  


Bonus 1

Seizure Kids

There are special considerations you need to know when trying to detox seizure kids.  This module covers all the ins and outs to keeping these sensitive children safe during detox.

What You’ll Get:

  • What kind of testing is most helpful and how to prepare your child for it.
  • How to understand the results and work with professionals for a trial of medicine if appropriate.
  • Which over the counter supplements are safe and how to make the proper adjustments the protocol.
Bonus 2

Immune Issues

Heavy metals can impact the way your child's body addresses assaults.  You'll learn how to support your child when dealing with simple seasonal viruses , latent viruses, and even autoimmune issues.  

What You’ll Get:

  • How to support your child when they get a cold or virus during Detox.
  • How and when to go after Latent Viruses.
  • Herbs to manage PANDAS/ PANS flares naturally.
Bonus 3

Genetic Variants

In this bonus lesson you will learn how to look for variants affecting methylation  and what you can do if your child has this issue.

What You’ll Get:

  • How to test for the MTHFR gene variants.
  • How this affects your child's ability to Detox.
  • How to support your MTHFR child properly so that you can successfully Detox Metals.
Bonus 4


As many as 25-30% of metal toxic kids benefit from thyroid support.  In this Bonus you'll learn all about testing, treating, and supporting your child's thyroid.

What You’ll Get:

  • Symptoms that indicate low thyroid and dietary considerations.
  • How to interpret your child's test results.
  • What proper treatment looks like and how to find professional support.

 Lifetime Access Only


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Frequently Asked Questions

What parents asked before signing up for Detoxing Kids

Still thinking about it?


The Detoxing Kids Course is PERFECT for you if… 

  • You're just getting started. You want to do it right and not waste time.
  • You're struggling and want to find the best solutions so you can heal your child.
  • You're not just looking for an authority to tell you what supplements to give.
  • You're spending hours reading and researching but just end up confused or unsure.
  • You're terrified that you will do something that will cause more harm to your child.
  • You want help to break it down step-by-step so you know you are doing it right.
  • You know that with solid guidance you can finally start healing your child from toxic metals.

We can’t wait for you to join Detoxing Kids

Do you know what the single biggest regret we hear from parents is?

"Why did I wait so long? I wish I would have started sooner!" 

After our years and thousands of hours of research, we wanted to create a program that would give parents all the support they need to start healing their kids quickly so they don't waste a moment of their child's developmentally formative years. 

Your child is growing now.  Together we can help them meet their developmental milestones TOXIN-FREE!

-Tressie and Jan

Enroll in Detoxing Kids Today

 One Time Payment Only


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